Monday, 17 May 2010



‘Matt’ was the film that persuaded me to use sound in the Memory Series. I asked him to recall his memories on music. I asked him to talk about how he got started, what has inspired him etc. During the filming he was recording on a track and playing his guitar. As the whole video was about his memories on music it seemed right to include sound. The guitar in the background seemed fitting in the environment and I liked the effect.

I thought the video would be alike the ‘Joe’ film, as Matt was talking about his passion for music. But with Matt he talks about good memories but also his despair and anger at not being able to take it further into a band. I think in the film you can see the emotion and atmosphere change quickly. Even though he seems disappointed ad bitter that he hasn’t been able to find a band, he still supports his friends that have done well.

I like the change in moods, as it shows that although he’s passionate about the subject it can still cause negative emotions and feelings. To go with this change in moods he carries on playing throughout, as though to reinforce the fact that he will carry on and progress.

Matt Transcript

Matt Transcript

I got into music by my uncle. Gave me a little ukulele when I was living in Devon and for like a week I didn’t put it down. And I loved the guitar, I remember when my dad used to put Genesis on, and he’d give me a tennis racket so I used to jump around playing guitar because I was pretending I was a guitarist.

And everyone played drums and I’d give out magazines and I used to bang them around. Then I had my first classical guitar lesson when I was a wee little lad, just playing guitar. All this in Devon. And then the next thing all the teachers thought I could play guitar quite well when I was young so they put me in a band so I’d play the Spanish guitar.

Then I just played and played and played and then I met my other uncle from Australia who lives in America and he let me play on guitar. Then the next week after my other uncle who first gave me my ukulele got divorced with my aunty so I never played guitar.

And then, met a bunch of friends, got into it even more and started buying guitar pedals, just a bit more rocky stuff instead of little classical music stuff. Then I used to learn The Used. Then just other stuff. Then I did GCSE music, took it from there did a degree in music in university. And I can never seem to get a band. That’s my only downfall. Because all my friends are taking bands or doing something else. Muggings me, who can actually write, got a degree in music, I’m left in the lurch doing nothing. So I’ve decided to take things into my own hands, make my own music. Buy my own recording stuff. Record my own music. Wait for my friends to actually become free and then approach them. And to be truthfully honest I don’t think I’ll ever be in a band, because everyone’s too busy or getting signed or just doesn’t want to play music anymore. So I keep playing my music. I’ll probably become a songwriter or something.

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